Samsung SH100 Digital Camera with Wifi

Posted by Chika Anindita on 1/05/2011

Samsung SH100 Digital Camera with Wifi, Well maybe this is not the first time samsung release this kind of digital camera, but this new Digital camera from samsung which is named with Samsung SH100 has a better feature and specification. this Camera can be connected with another Gadget from Samsung which is Samsung Galaxy S.

Samsung SH100 Digital Camera Review and Feature, This digital camera from Samsung has an advantage that was a Wifi Connection, well not all digital camera has this feature. so what’s the specification and main feature of this Samsung SH100. check this out.

Samsung SH100 not only as a digital camera that has a Wi-Fi connection but this camera can be juxtaposed with Android phones such as Samsung Galaxy S.

Through Wi-Fi connection available, can SH100 be connected with Galaxy S where the latter, all the menu even when taking photos, all can be done via phone, much like a remote control in the digital SLR camera.

Samsung SH100 Feature and Spec

What can be done:
- Looking at the view before taking a photo through the screens on mobile phones
- Zoom in / Out from the menu on the phone to feature an optical zoom
- Activate the shutter button via mobile phone
- Using Geo Tagging through the GPS feature on the phone

This capability is of course useful if you’re want to take the photos themselves (self portrait) or take photos for a difficult angle.

New Samsung SH 100 Feature

In addition, Wi-Fi connection can also be used to transfer data to your PC and there are also features DLNA.

Specifications on the Samsung SH100:

- 14.2 MP
- Optical Zoom: 5x
- Lens: f4.7-23.5mm (f26-130m 35mm film equivalent)
- Record HD video (720p)

Samsung SH100 The plan will be sold in March for U.S. $ 199.99.

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